Activity and Result of the Project
This is a short view over the activities, result, and general outcome of our Project, with links to the most important events and writings
This section sets out both current as well as past events of the project (Wednesday meetings, course offerings, journées d'études, workshops, conferences), as well as publications produced as part of the project (by team members as well as guest and associate researchers).
Given this project's preoccupation with an inquiry into the circulation of knowledge, disciplinary exchange with academics worldwide is a central concern for the project. In addition to the invited junior researchers, workshops and conferences play a prominent role in its activities.
A link to the publications produced in the framework of the projectis will be found further down on this page.
- Teaching at the University of Freiburg
From the launch of the project in 2010, its team members have tried to impart the current state of research to students at the University of Freiburg, while simultaneously attempting to give fresh impetus to the research from the classroom exchanges.
The course offerings consist of lectures, seminars, and team-taught lecture series that are directed, first and foremost, at students of Sociology and the Global Studies Programme.
- Wednesday's Discussion Rounds
Every 2 weeks, a discussion circle takes place on the premises of the project, during which either a relevant text is discussed, the current state of research of the sub-projects is gone over, or the research plans of visiting academics are presented.
The meetings are essentially open to anyone interested.
Depending on the participants and the topic, the Wednesday meeting is conducted in either English or German.
Those interested in participating are requested to write us an email.
- International Conference 2012
From the 26th to the 29th of September 2012, the international Conference"Circulating Social Science Knowledge" was held at the University of Freiburg. It was organised by the project-team.
Further information can be found here: Conference 2012
- Workshops, Journées d'Études, and other scientific events
Various workshops have been organised in the past few years, in part for further in-house training, and partly in cooperation with other institutions of the University of Freiburg.
A special kind of event are the "journées d'études" – thematic workshops to which guests from the surrounding international academic environment, who work on related research areas, are invited. The goal of these workshops is for researchers to compare notes with another and to update others on one's current state of research.
- Presentations by project members at congresses and events outside the University of Freiburg, as well as research stays abroad
Guest lectures given by members of the research team regularly at various German and European universities and institutions, as well as their active participation in congresses and symposia on particular research topics or in thematically-relevant conference sections, make up an important part of the project's work.
You may have a look at the written work produced in the course of the research conducted by our team, as well as by our invited international fellows, associated researchers, and students interns here: Writings from the Project