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Lecture (summer 2012)

Some sessions of Global Studies Programme Lecture Series "Theories and Perspectives of Globalization" (summer term 2012) were held by project members, in particular, fellows of our project.

Preliminary Program of the lecture "Theories and perspectives of globalization"

Time and place: Thursday, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr, KG1, R1019

Part I: Theoretical backgrounds and debates

24.04. Introduction: Studying Globalization and the conception of the GSP
Florian Schumacher, GSP Freiburg, Programme Director

08.05. Modernity and Globalization
Florian Schumacher, GSP Freiburg, Programme Director

15.05. Mundialization – World Society – World System
Alejandro Pelfini, GSP Buenos Aires, FLACSO

22.05. The Conditions of Globality: Complexity, Vulnerability and Interdependence
Alejandro Pelfini, GSP Buenos Aires, FLACSO

05.06. Controversies in the globalization debate
Alejandro Pelfini, GSP Buenos Aires, FLACSO

12.06. Centre, periphery and counterhegemonic currents in global social science
Wiebke Keim

19.06. The changing North-South and South-South politics of international cooperation
Gaston Fulquet, GSP Buenos Aires, FLACSO


Part II: global perspectives and research

26.06. Transmission and reception of western sociological theories in reform era China. The concept of social capital
Yuying Shen, University Texas

03.07. This World which Is Not One: Universalism and the Ontopolitics of Experience
Martin Savransky, Goldsmiths, University of London/University of Barcelona

10.07. Knowledge exchange between north and south: whose knowledge for development?
Nina Witjes, University of Vienna

17.07. De-centering social sciences after the Cold War
Ksenia Robbe, University of Gießen/St. Petersburg

24.07. Sociologists as Public Intellectuals: A Southern Perspective.
Ercüment Çelik, University of Freiburg

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