Associated Researcher
Currently, seven researchers are associated with the project. With their diverse scientific backgrounds, they add especially to the interdisciplinary exchange within the team.
Dr. Miriam Nandi
Short personal profile
Dr. Miriam Nandi is a researcher at the English department of the University of Freiburg. In 2000, she finished her Magister Artium (M.A.) in Sociology, English, and Philosophy. In 2006, she received her doctoral degree in English Literature. For more details, please visit her profile at the English department's website.
Research interests
- South Asian literary and cultural studies
- Postcolonial theory
- Psychoanalysis
- Religion and literature
- Samuel Pepys
Publications and Lectures
Please visit her profile on the pages of the English Department.
Dr. Paruedee Nguitragool
Short personal profile
Dr. Paruedee Nguitragool is a researcher at the department of political science at the University of Freiburg. In 2000, she finished her B.A.-studies in Communication Arts at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. In 2004, she completed successfully the Global Studies Programme and received her M.A. degree in Social Sciences from the universities of Freiburg (Germany) and KwaZulu-Natal (Durban, South Africa). From 2004 to 2008, she pursued a doctoral degree in Political Science at the University of Freiburg. Her dissertation examines ASEAN environmental cooperation, particularly its response to the haze phenomenon haunting the region since 1997. You can find further details on her profile page.
Research interests
- Environmental politics
- International institutions
- International laws
- International relations
- Political psychology
Publications and Lectures
Please visit her profile at the project website of the Southeast Asian Studies research cluster.
Barbara Riedel
Since November 2013 Barbara Riedel is working in the project management together with Dr. Wiebke Keim.
Short personal profile
Barbara Riedel is currently completing her dissertation at the Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology of the University of Freiburg. She is working on the topic of "Orient und Okzident in Kozhikode (Calicut) – Muslimische Studentinnen und Studenten in Kerala, Südindien, im Spannungsfeld zwischen lokaler Verwurzelung und globalen Verflechtungen (Orient and Occident in Kozhikode (Calicut) – Muslim Students in Kerala, Southern India, between local rootage and global integration)". In 2001 she finished her Magister Artium (M.A.) in Cultural and Social Anthropology, Philosophy, and Archaeology at the University of Freiburg. From 2004 to 2007, she has completed four field studies, each for period of several months, among Muslim students in Kozhikode and in Doha (Qatar).
(PhD recently defended October 9th, 2013)
Contact details
Email: barbara(at)
Research interests
- South Asian Studies, especially Kerala Studies
- Islam in the Balkan States, North Africa, South and Central Asia
- Globalization Theories
- Cosmopolitanism
- Hermeneutik, Understanding the Other
Publications and Lectures
- (2006): "To work hard and pray – Impressions of an anthropologist based on field work among Malabar Muslim students, 2004-2006," paper at the National Seminar on Islamic Traditions in South India, Palakkad, February 2006.
- (2007): "Family matters in Thekkepuram, Calicut – Traditional family structures in the process of transformation," paper at a Seminar on "Matriliny among Muslims: Continuity and change," Calicut, February 2007. (Publication announced)
- (2007): "'Der Westen' als Bezugsrahmen im Wandel der Familienstrukturen in Kozhikode, Südindien," lecture at the "XXX. deutscher Orientalistentag," Freiburg im Breisgau, September 2007. Published online.
- (2008): "Old and emerging cosmopolitan traditions at the Malabar coast of South India – a study with Muslim students in Kozhikode," paper at the workshop on "Cosmopolitanism and Beyond: Dignity of Life, Social Dialogues and Planetary Conversations," Freiburg im Breisgau, February 2008. (Publication announced)
Dr. Sabine Ammon
Short personal profile
Dr. Sabine Ammon studied Architecture at the TU Berlin, the Kunsthochschule Berlin and the University of London. In 1996 she began her studies in Philosophy at the TU Berlin, the Humboldt University in Berlin and the Harvard University in Boston. In 2005 she received her PhD. For further details, please visit her homepage.
Judith Altrogge (stud. phil. Sociology and Ethnology)
Short personal profile
Judith Altrogge studies Sociology and Social and Cultural Anthropology in Freiburg. She is currently writing her Magister thesis on knowledge systems in the international climate change discourse at the Institute of Sociology. In order to conduct a qualitative field study, she travelled to Eastern Africa in the summer of 2011.
Research interests
- Development and post-development theory
- Globalization processes
- The sociological perspective on (scientific) knowledge
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Central America
Contact details
Email: judith_altrogge(at)
Chandni Basu (M.A.)
Short personal profile
Chandni Basu is currently working on her doctoral thesis at the Institute for Sociology in the University of Freiburg. She is a recipient of an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (2010-2013). Her study looks at the notion of child protection as operative within the Juvenile Justice System in India. The specific references are reported cases of sexual offence where children are involved both as victims and perpetrators. The study is situated in West Bengal, India.
In 2005, she completed her Master of Arts (Social Work) with a specialisation in Family and Child Welfare at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
She completed a P.G. Diploma in Human Rights Law in 2007 from the National Law School of India University, Bangalore followed by Research Training Programme in 2008 at Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata, India.
From 2005 to 2007 she worked in a NGO on an education project for deprived urban children in government-aided schools in Kolkata, India.
She qualified for Lectureship through the University Grants Commission of India’s National Eligibility Test in 2008. She has taught as a Guest Lecturer from 2008 to 2012 variously at Vidyasagar University, West Bengal; Indira Gandhi National Open University, Regional Centre, Kolkata; Jadavpur University; and the Institute for Development Studies, Kolkata.
Research interests
- Children and childhood
- Sociology of law
- Gender and sexuality
- Research methodology
- Disciplinarity and the boundaries of knowledge
Publications and Lectures
- 2013 (Forthcoming) Abstract accepted for an edited book on Children and Borders, by Palgrave/ Macmillan (U.K.); a special volume on Bengal Related Studies in ASIEN, Germany.
- 2013 ‘Pitted against each other: Cases of sexual offence within the Juvenile Justice System in India’ Children and Childhood: Practices and Perspectives, edited by Chandni Basu and Vicky Anderson-Patton, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press. (Click for Description & Contents.)
- 2012 ‘Childhood and the Juvenile Justice System in India: A critical enquiry’. Jadavpur University Journal of Sociology, 5 (February 2012): 130-142.
- 2011 ‘From Traffic Signals to Railway Platforms: An understanding of the rights of begging children’, in Beggary Prevention: Realities, Strategies and Challenges, (New Delhi: National Institute of Social Defence, February): 116-123.
- 2008 ‘The Commonality of the Uncommon? Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Occurrence and incidence In India’. Look East (II) Centre for Development Studies, Rishi Bankim Chandra Evening College, Calcutta University: 19-33.
- 2013 (Upcoming) Abstracts accepted for presentation at the 15th Workshop for young researchers-Association Jeunes Etudes Indiennes, 16th Annual meeting-Association for the study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, University of London, 2nd Global Conference on Reframing Punishment: Opportunities and problems, Sydney.
- November 2012 ‘Totemised Childhood: A look into the juvenile justice mechanism in India’, Workshop II as part of the Doctoral Programme on Global Approaches to Gender and Law, UNILU Chair of Comparative Law, University of Luzern, Switzerland.
- October 2012 ‘Theirs or ours! Justice of borders: Children from Bangladesh in the observation homes of West Bengal, India’- 2nd Conference on Bengal Related Studies for Students and Young Scholars, Martin-Luther University, Halle Wittenberg, Germany.
- September 2012 ‘Identities and Childhood: A look into the Juvenile Justice System in India’- 2nd International Conference of the international Childhood and Youth Research Network, Children, Young people and Adults: extending the conversation, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, U.K.
- July 2012 ‘Pitted against each other: Cases of sexual offence within the Juvenile Justice System in India’. 2nd Global Conference on Childhood‐Probing the Boundaries, Mansfield College, Oxford, U.K.
- March 2012 ‘Consenting against consent: Cases of sexual offence within the Juvenile Justice System in India’- National Students’ Conference on “Agency and Resistance: Feminist Approaches”, School of Women’s Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
Email: tochandni(at)