Dr. Barbara Riedel (Project Co-Director)
Dr. Barbara Riedel is Co-Director of the project since November 2013. Since then she is working on two small biographical research projects in the area of entangled histories Germany/India.
General information
General information
Contact details:
- Email: barbara.riedel(at)soziologie.uni-freiburg.de
- Telephone: +49 (0)761 203 - 97812
- Address: Hansastraße 9, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
Short personal profile
Dr. Barbara Riedel focuses in her work on Islam on the Balkan peninsula, in Central and South Asia, and on trade and circulation of knowledge between Europe, the Near East, Central and South Asia. Her further interests are globalisation, cosmopolitanism and hermeneutics.
She studied Social and Cultural Anthropology, Philosophy und Archaeology at the University of Freiburg. For her PhD thesis ‘Orient und Okzident in Calicut – Muslimische Studenten und Studentinnen in Kerala, Südindien, im Spannungsfeld zwischen lokaler Verwurzelung und globalen Verflechtungen’ she did a field study with Muslim Students in Calicut (Kozhikode) in Kerala, South India. Between 2004 and 2007 she stayed for several months each year in Calicut. Later she visited some oft the former students in the Gulf countries where many of them have found a job.
"Forschungsprojekt im Bereich historische Biographieforschung/entangled history Deutschland-Indien"
2013 | Ph.D. | University of Freiburg, Germany |
2001 | Magister Artium in Ethnology, Philosophy and Archaeology at the University of Freiburg | University of Freiburg, Germany |
- (2014): “Orient und Okzident in Calicut. Muslimische Studenten und Studentinnen in Kerala, Südindien, im Spannungsfeld zwischen lokaler Verwurzelung und globalen Verflechtungen.” Heidelberg: Draupadi Verlag.
- (2014): “Old and emerging cosmopolitan traditions at the Malabar Coast of South India – a study with Muslim students in Kozhikode.” In: Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.). Cosmopolitanism and Beyond: Dignity of Life, Social Dialogues and Planetary Conversations. New Delhi: Primus Books. (publication announced)
- (2014): “The "Kerala Model" and the Mappila Muslims of Malabar.” In: Gernot Saalmann (Hg.) Changing India – Yesterday and Tomorrow. Social and Cultural Dimensions. New Delhi: Samskriti Publications. (publication announced)
- (2013): “Cosmopolitanism at work at the Malabar Coast of South India – a study with Muslim students in Kozhikode”. In: Transcience, a Journal of Global Studies. Volume 4. Issue 2. S. 36-49. (http://www.transcience-journal.org/)
- (2010): “Family matters in Thekkepuram, Calicut. – Traditional family structures in the process of transformation.” In: Golden Jubilee Souvenir des Ciesco. Calicut, Prameela Press. S. 222-226. (lecture at the seminar: “Matriliny among Muslims: continuity and change with special reference to Muslims of Calicut” at the Ciesco Golden Jubilee Educational Complex, Calicut. 10th and 11th February 2007.)
- (2007): "'Der Westen' als Bezugsrahmen im Wandel der Familienstrukturen in Kozhikode, Südindien," lecture at the "XXX. deutscher Orientalistentag," Freiburg im Breisgau, September 2007. Published online.
- (2006): "To work hard and pray – Impressions of an anthropologist based on field work among Malabar Muslim students, 2004-2006," lecture at the National Seminar on Islamic Traditions in South India, Palakkad, February 2006.