Name | Institution | Period* | Research |
Anna Schnitzer (M.A.) | Department of Educational Science, University of Zurich (Switzerland) | 01/04/2011 to 30/06/2011 | Discourse and realization of multilingualism in a country of the Global South.
Javier Sigüenza (M.A.) | Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | 03/05/2011 to 03/09/2011 | Reception of the works of Walter Benjamin in Latin America with a speacial focus on Mexico. |
Türkay Nefes (Ph.D.) | Faculty for Social Sciences Research, University of Kent (Great Britain) | 01/07/2011 to 30/11/2011 | The Influence of Durkheimian Sociology on Turkish Politics through Ziya Gökalp
Janice Desire Busingye (M.A.) | Adult Education, University of Makerere (Uganda) | 01/12/2011 to 31/01/2012 | European social science research as a model for African social science research. The position of the global south. |
Ksenia Robbe (Ph.D.) | International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Gießen | 16/01/2012 to 29/02/2012 | Thinking Postcoloniality beyond the Centre: The Geopolitics of Knowledge Production in Post-Soviet Russia and Post-Apartheid South Africa. |
Nina Witjes (M.A.) | University of Vienna | 01/04/2012 to 01/08/2012 | Wissensaustauch zwischen Nord und Süd. Eine Analyse der globalen Wissenshierarchien in politikorientierter Entwicklungsforschung. |
Yuying Shen (Ph.D.) | Department of Sociology University of North Texas | 08/06/2012 to 08/08/2012 | The Transmission and Reception of Western Sociological Theories in Reform Era China – A Case Study of Sociological Concept “Social Capital”. |
Martin Savransky (M.A.) | Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London | 01/06/2012 to 30/09/2012 | Whose Embodied Experience? Process and the non-Modern Politics of What Is. |
Tuvshee Tumur (M.A.) | Eurasian Studies, Political Sciences, Law, University of Paris V / Paris IX | 05/07/2012 to 31/10/2012 | Documents Lost Centuries Ago and Documents Discovered Centuries Later: Contribution of some European Scholars and Expeditions of XX century to knowledge, science and evaluation of the previous writings on Mongolian history. |
Dalia Wahdan (Ph.D.) | Anthropology, School of Liberal Education, FLAME, Pune | 01/08/2012 to 30/11/2012 | Quest for Dawla Madania (Civic State): Visions for a New Egyptian Statehood. |
Christiano Lanzano (Ph.D.) | Department of Territory Studies, University of Torino | 01/12/2012 to 31/02/2013 | What kind of knowledge is indigenous knowledge? Environment, development and 'local knowledge' practices in Burkina Faso. |
Stefan Khittel (Ph.D.) | Austrian Institute for International Affairs (ÖIIP), Wien. | 01/12/2012 to 31/03/2013 | Dominant Disciplines vs. Rebellious Studies? On the Transformative Effects of Subaltern, Cultural, and Postcolonial Studies in Colombian Social Science. |
Leandro Rodriguez Medina (Ph.D.) | Department of International Relations / Political Science School of Social Sciences Universidad de las Americas Puebla | 01/01/2013 to 31/03/2013 and 01/06/2014 to 31/06/2014 | With a little help from my friends. On Luhmann, translators, and reception of foreign theories in Latin America. |
Irfan Kokdas (M.A.) | History / Ottoman Studies Program at the History Department, Binghamton University-SUNY | 01/02/2013 to 31/05/2013 | From “Neutral” Knowledge to the Political Polemics in Ottoman Salonica: Shaping Solidarities in a Transcultural Space and Creating Alternative Political Visions, 1760-1830. |
Anika Meckes-heimer (M.A.) | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexiko | 15/03/2013 to 15/07/2013 01/08/2013 to 30/09/2013 | Research with, and not only about social protagonists: Epistemologic and methodologic implications and directions from Latinamerica. |
Chandni Basu | Universität Freiburg | 15/10/2013 to 15/12/2013 | Child Protection? A Socio-Legal Discourse on Sexual Involvement of Children in Contemporary India. |
Stefan Klein (PhD.) | Universidade de Brasilia (UnB) | 01/07/2013 to 31/08/2013 15/01/2014 to 15/02/2014 | Zur Rezeption der kritischen Theorie in Brasilien und den Grenzen der soziologischen Forschung. |