José Gabriel Jiménez (M.A.) (Graduate Assistant)
José Gabriel Jiménez supports the project as a graduate assistant in research matters, IT administration, and web design.
General information
Contact details:
- Phone: +49 (0)761-203 - 97813
- Address: Hansastraße 9, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Short personal profile:
Having worked for a short while in the private sector, José Gabriel Jiménez came back to the academic field to find a helpful environment for his research.
José Gabriel Jiménez made his degree at Freiburg University in Historical Anthropology, Cultural Anthopology, and History of Medicine. Beside the mentioned subjects he attended lectures in Sociology, Gender Studies, History, Political Science, Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, Linguistics, and Economics following his matters of interest.
His present studies comprise the expansion and redefinition of Modernity, non-eurocentric social theories in Latin America, and geopolitical analysis.
- 2007 he participated in the organization of the 7th Congress of the Society for Anthropology in Freiburg (Germany)
- 2009 he collaborated in the organization and scientific design of the presence of the Anthropological Institute of Freiburg University at the Science Days in Rust (Germany)
- 2009 José Gabriel Jiménez exposed his research work "Collecting human body parts: headhunters, relic collectors, and modern pathologists" as a Poster on the 8th International Congress of the Society for Anthropology in Munich (Germany).
José Gabriel Jiménez was born presumably with an XY chromosome-set (since it never was determined) less than half a century ago, and given the name JGJ.
He grew up, was socialized, lived, loved, worked, learned to cry tearless, and was politicized in southern Europe. He sees himself as egalitaristic, radicaldemocratic, anti-ableistic, heteronormacounter cisgender human.
He considers himself as part of the European, Atlantic, pre-historic cultural tradition, which evolved into a historical, pre-modern socio-cultural environment, with strong traces of formal modern socio-economic structures, repulsive of alarming economic tendencies on the jump to a postmodern neoliberal totalitarian global capitalism.
The interaction in, and cosmogonies of several Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages forged his perception, world view, and convictions. Strongly influenced and normalized by school education, the academic rationalistic attempt reinforced his critical approach, leading to his present pluralistic, non-cosmopolitan, self-determined social positions and preferences for the future of his socio-cultural-economic environment. May the interchange of experiences progress!
- (2009): "Collecting Human Body Parts: Headhunters, relic collectors, and modern pathologists", in: Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, 14 (1-2): 86-86 (8. Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie / München / Gesellschaft für Anthropologie).
Articles in journals
- et al. (2011): "A Commentary on Boike Rehbein's Approach to Critical Theory after the Rise of the Global South and on his Concept 'Kaleidoscopic Dialectic", in: Transcience Journal 2 (1): 72-80.Fulltext available online.