OLD: Wednesday discussions 2012
Every other Wednesday, the members and associates of the project as well as others who are interested meet at 2pm at the project's premises at Hansastrasse 9 in order to discuss current texts on the circulation of knowledge, and to present research projects. If you are interested in participating, please contact us.
Aim of the meetings
The Wednesday's discussions give members and associates of the projects, as well as others who are interested a regular forum for scholarly exchange and discussion. They provide a framework for presentations of research projects and the development of a common knowledge of texts that serves as a basis for discussion
The regular meetings also aim at strengthening and extending the research networks at the University of Freiburg. Furthermore, the discussions and presentations provide further possibilities to tie-in international fellows and students involved in the project
Current schedule
Date | Presenter | Topic / texts |
04 Jan. 2012 | Discussion round | Nederveen Pieterse, Jan (2009): "Twenty-first Century Globalization: Global Sociology", in: Jan Nederveen Pieterse/Boike Rehbein (eds.): Globalization and Emerging Societies. Development and Inequality. London: Palgrave-Macmillan: 15-38. |
18 Jan. 2012 | Sebastian Volkmann | Presentation of the research question of his dissertation project: "Democratic theory and the differentiation of the political from politics." |
01 Feb. 2012 | Discussion round | Kuhn, Michael & Doris Weidemann (Eds.) (2010): "Internationalization of the Social Sciences". Bielefeld: transcript. |
15 Feb. 2012 | Discussion round | Patel, Sujata (2010): The ISA Handbook of Diverse Sociological Traditions. London e.a.: Sage. |
29 Feb. 2012 | Discussion round for those who could not attend on 30 Nov. 2011 | Bourdieu, Pierre (2002): "Les conditions sociales de la circulation internationale des idées", in: Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 5 (145): 3-8. Or: Chapters 1-5 of Jurt, Josef (2009): "Transnationale Literatur-Rezeption am Beispiel der Aufnahme Jean-Luc Benoziglios im deutschsprachigen Raum", in: arcadia 44 (2): 376-399. In addition to that: pp. 1-10 of the Guilhot text, ppp of Kauppi |
14 Mar. 2012 | Ksenia Robbe | Presentation of her research project for the fellowship: "Thinking Postcoloniality beyond the Centre: The Geopolitics of Knowledge Production in Post-Soviet Russia and Post-Apartheid South Africa." |
28 Mar. 2012 | Sourav Kargupta | Presentation of his current research: "Can the brown woman speak?": Ethics of re-presentation in the Feminist reconstruction of the "sati" debates." |
11 Apr. 2012 | Nina Witjes | Vorstellung des Forschungskonzepts für den Fellowship-Aufenthalt im Projekt: "Knowledge Exchange between North and South. An analysis of the global knowledge hierarchies in policy-relevant development knowledge and research." |
25 Apr. 2012 | Discussion round | Mohanty, Chandra Talpade (2003): "'Under Western Eyes' Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles." In: Signs 28 (2): 499-535. |
09 May 2012 | Discussion round | Text on the Islamization debate. AbuSulayman, AbdulHamid (1994): "Islamization: Reforming Contemporary Knowledge". |
23 May 2012 | sadly cancelled | (hence, we can't get no satisfaction) |
06 Jun. 2012 | Nina Witjes | Presentation of one part of her PhD thesis on "Knowledge Exchange between North and South. An analysis of the global knowledge hierarchies in policy-relevant development knowledge and research." |
20 Jun 2012 | Martin Savransky | Presentation of the research project for the fellowship: "Whose Embodied Experience? Process and the non-Modern Politics of What Is." |
04 Jul. 2012 | Yuying Shen | Presentation of the research project for the fellowship: "The Transmission and Reception of Western Sociological Theories in Reform Era China - A Case Study of the Sociological Concept 'Social Capital'." [Session in English] |
18 Jul. 2012 | Meri Yeranosyan | Presentation of the research project for the fellowship on parables. [Session in English] |
01 Aug. 2012 | Summer Break | (Mental Refreshment: Recharging Grey Cells) |
15 Aug. 2012 | Summer Break | (Mental Refreshment: Recharging Grey Cells) |
29 Aug. 2012 | Tuvshee Tumur | Presentation of the research project for the fellowship: "Documents Lost Centuries Ago and Documents Discovered Centuries Later: Contribution of some European Scholars and Expeditions of XX century to knowledge, science and evaluation of the previous writings on Mongolian history." [Session in English] |
05 Sept. 2012 (exceptionally) | Joana Hofstetter | Presentation of her BA thesis: "Westliche Wohlstandskonzepte versus alternative Ideen zu 'gutem Leben' aus nicht-westlichen Kontexten." [Session in English] |
12 Sept. 2012 | Dalia Wahdan | Presentation of her research project for the fellowship: "Quest for Dawla Madania (Civic State): Visions for a New Egyptian Statehood." [Session in English] |
26 Sept. 2012 | No session | (Because of the International Fellows' Workshop, part of our Conference "Circulating Social Science Knowledge") |
10 Oct. 2012 | Discussion round | Wiebke Keim (2012): „Conceptualizing circulation of knowledge in the social sciences.“ [Session in English] |
24 Oct. 2012 | No session | "Interflexion" |
07 Nov. 2012 | No session | "Interflexion" |
21 Nov. 2012 | Discussion round | López (2007): "The (Post) global South"; Dirlik (2007): "Global South: Predicament and Promise"; Arjomand (2008): "Review - Connell's Southern Theory: an Illusion"; Comaroff & Comaroff (2012): "Theory from the South", Chapt. 1 [Session in English] |
05 Dec. 2012 | Stefan Khittel | Presentation of his research project for the fellowship: "Dominant Disciplines vs. Rebellious Studies? On the Transformative Effects of Subaltern, Cultural, and Postcolonial Studies in Colombian Social Science." [Session in English] |
Arrival delayed, Presentation postponed to 16th Jan. 2013 | Cristiano Lanzano | Presentation of his research project for the fellowship: "What kind of knowledge is indigenous knowledge? Environment, development and 'local knowledge' practices in Burkina Faso." [Session in English] |
Materials for the sessions, such as powerpoint presentations and texts, are provided for the participants here, in the password protected area.
If you are interested...
Our Wednesdays discussions are open to interested scholars and students. If you are interested in attending regularly, please write us.