Contributions of project members at congresses and events outside the University of Freiburg, as well as research stays abroad
On this page we list the contributions and participation of our researchers at conferences and other academic events. Furthermore, research stays related to their present research subjects are also listed.
Year 2014
- 13th-19th July 2014, Yokohama, XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology
All four academic staff members of our project, Wiebke Keim, Ercüment Çelik, Veronika Wöhrer and Christian Ersche will take part in the World Sociological Congress in Japan in July 2014 to present the results of their research work. - Wiebke Keim: March to June: Research stay in Istanbul (Turkei).
Year 2013
- Ercüment Çelik: 4th- 6th December: “The Rise of Southern Sociology and Its Possible Implications for Turkish Sociology”. Paper presented at the 13. National Congress of Social Sciences of Turkish Social Sciences Association, Ankara, Turkey.
- Veronika Wöhrer, August to October: research stay in New Brunswick (NJ, USA).
- Veronika Wöhrer, 25th September: "Challenges of Transnational Knowledge Production in Gender Studies", lecture at the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University (State University of new Jersey, USA)
- Ercüment Çelik, 17th -18th September: “Contentious Activism and Transnational Organizing of Informal Workers”. Paper presented at the Workshop on “Social Movements and the Position of the Researcher”, Centre for African Studies, University of Basel, Switzerland.
- Wiebke Keim, 2nd-5th September: Congress of the AFS in Nantes (France).
- Ercüment Çelik, 26th–28th June: “Northern Theory, South African Engagement: Three historical examples from labour studies”. Paper presented at the 5th European Conference on African Studies: African Dynamics in a multipolar world, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Wiebke Keim, 10th June: "Counter hegemonic currents in global social sciences" lecture at the University of Barcelona (Spanien).
- Christian Ersche, 12th May: “Chinas Rolle in Afrika”, lecture at the Center for Political Formation, Buchenbach (Germany) (Link).
- Veronika Wöhrer, 4th April: “Challenges and Requirements of Transnational Knowledge Production in Gender Studies”, lecture on the Conference “Transnational Spaces and Gender” at the University Paderborn (Germany).
- Ercüment Çelik, 20th-28th March: "Southern Sociology: A Possible New Orientation for Turkish Sociology?", lectures at the Middle East Technical University, Department of Sociology, Ankara; Istanbul Technical University, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Istanbul; Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology, Istanbul (Turkey).
- Ercüment Çelik, 15th March–4th April: research stay in Ankara and Istanbul (Turkey).
Year 2012
- Christian Ersche, November-December: research stay in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
- Christian Ersche, 16th November: “South South Cooperation without Europe? Recent Trends in International Development Cooperation”, lecture at the KAAD-Seminar, "The European Unification Process: A Model for Successful South-South Cooperation?", Strasbourg (France).
- Ercüment Çelik, 27th–29th September: “From Transfer to Circulation of Knowledge in the South African Labour Movement”. Paper presented at the International Conference on “Circulating Social Science Knowledge, University of Freiburg, Germany.
- Ercüment Çelik 1st-4th August, “The Role of Intellectuals in the Circulation of Knowledge in the South African Labour Movement, 1970s-1980s”. Paper presented at the Second ISA Forum of Sociology, “Social Justice and Democratisation”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Ercüment Çelik, 1st–4th April: “From Studying to Teaching Global Studies: A Commitment and Future Prospects”. Paper presented at the International Conference on “Studying Social Sciences in the Era of Globalization”, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India.
- Veronika Wöhrer, 18th May: "The Challenges of Transnational Knowledge Production in Gender Studies”, Vortrag auf der “8th European Feminist Research Conference," The Politics of Location Revisited”, 17.-20.5 at the Central European University Budapest (Hungary). (Program here)
- Christian Ersche, Veronika Wöhrer, 19th February: “Toward an alternative pattern of knowledge distribution”, 40th IIS World Congress, Delhi (India).
- Veronika Wöhrer, 19th January: "Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi - What does 'development' mean for the women and the studies?", lecure within the research Colloquium of the Institute for International Development of the University Viena (Austria), invited by Prof. Hanna Hacker.
Year 2011
- Ercüment Çelik, 9th December: “The Movement of the Marginalised Labour Force: The Case of Street Traders in South Africa”. Invited talk at the Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany.
- Christian Ersche, November-December: research stay in Beijing (China).
- Ercüment Çelik, 1st–2nd November: “An Overview of the Past Ten Years of the Global Studies Programme”. Paper presented at the Global Studies Programme Strategic Workshop, “Internationalisation and Afropolitanism”, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
- Veronika Wöhrer, 12th October: "Gender Studies in Post-Socialist Countries in Europe – Some Ideas and Concepts", lecture at the Centre for Women’s Development Studies, New Delhi (India), invited by Prof. Mary E. John.
- Veronika Wöhrer, September-October: research stay as Visiting Fellow of the Global Studies Programme of the School of Social Sciences at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi (India).
- Ercüment Çelik, 28th–30th September: “Rethinking Street Traders as a Promising Agent of Re-empowering Labour Movement in Contemporary South Africa”. Paper presented at the VII. Global Labour University Conference, “The Politics of Labour and Development”, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Ercüment Çelik, 26th September–2nd December: research stay in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban (South Africa).
- Veronika Wöhrer, 30th June: “Transnationale Wissenszirkulation in den Gender Studies”, lecture at the “Interdisziplinary Colloquium for (Post-)Doktorands”, 30. Juni - 1.Juli at the University Trier (Germany). (Program here)
- Wiebke Keim, Veronika Wöhrer, 18th June: “Universalität und Akzeptanzpotential von Gesellschaftswissen – Zur Zirkulation von Wissensbeständen zwischen Europa und dem Globalen Süden“, lecture at the Conference “Postcolonial Social Sciences. A provisional appraisal”, 17th-18th June at the Humboldt University Berlin (Germany). (Program here)
Year 2010
- Ercüment Çelik, 7th–9th October: “From an International Best Practice of a Progressive Policy to a Conservative Approach: Durban’s street trading management policy towards the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa”. Paper presented at the AEGIS, the European Network of Excellence in African Studies Thematic Conference “Living the City”, Center of African Studies Basel, Switzerland.