Dr. Veronika Wöhrer (Researcher)
Dr. Veronika Wöhrer is a researcher in the project. She is working on the subproject "Gender Studies as Sites of Transnational Encounters?" (working title)
General information
Former contact details
- Email: veronika.woehrer(at)soziologie.uni-freiburg.de
- Telephone: +49 (0)761 203 - 97811
- Address: Hansastraße 9, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
- Email: veronika.woehrer(at)univie.ac.at
- Address: Science Communications Research, Fröbelgasse 60/12, 1160 Wien, Austria
Short personal profile
Dr. Veronika Wöhrer focuses in her research on gender studies, postcolonial studies and social studies of science.
She studied sociology, political science and women’s studies at the University of Vienna, Austria, the Comenius University, Bratislava and the Charles University in Prague. She completed her doctoral degree with a dissertation on the so-called East-West divide in gender studies. The title of her thesis was: "Border Crossers: Gender Research between Capitalism and (Post)Socialism".
Veronika Wöhrer was a fellow of the EU's Marie Curie Programme, "Building on the Past: European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean" at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava and worked as a research associate at the Department of Social Studies of Science at the University of Vienna and as an academic project manager at the association Science Communications Research in Vienna. In addition to her work in the project, Veronika Wöhrer is also a lecturer in gender studies at the University of Vienna.
Currently Dr. Veronika Wöhrer works as a Project Director at the Science Communications Research Association in Wien as well as a Visiting Professor at the Institut für Pädagogische Professionalisierung at the University of Graz.
Gender Studies as Sites of Transnational Encounters? (working title)
2007 | Dr.in phil. | University of Vienna (Austria); Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic) |
2006 - 2007 | Participation at the three-semester Curriculum "Recognizing Potentials, Developing Visions, Shaping the Future. Women in the Sciences Planning their Career" | University of Vienna (Austria) |
2001 | Mag.a rer. soc. oec. in Sociology, Gender Studies, Political Sciences and Slavic Studies | University of Vienna (Austria); Komenský University of Bratislava (Slovakia) |
Work and Academic History
Since 2006 | Lecturer | Gender Studies, University of Vienna (Austria) |
2011 | Visiting Fellow | Global Studies Programme of the School of Social Sciences at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India |
2008 - 2010 | Scientific director | Research Project "Tricks of the Trade. Feldforschung mit Schüler/innen"at the association Science Communications Research (funded by the Federal Ministry for Science and Research, hosted by the research program "Sparkling Science") |
2007 - 2009 | Scientific co-director | Research project "Science with All Senses – Gender and Science in the Making" (in cooperation with Dr. Karin Harrasser) at the association Science Communications Research (funded by the WWTF) |
2006 - 2009 | Researcher | Department of Social Studies of Science at the University of Vienne (Austria) within the EU-STReP research project "Knowledge, Institutions and Gender: an East-West Comparative Study (KNOWING)" |
2007 - 2008 | Researcher | Research project "Family Law and Gender Policies: Comparative Historical Perspectives on the Codification of Private Lives" at the Bruno Kreisky Archive in Vienna (funded by the FWF) |
2006 | Lecturer | Center for Gender Studies, University of Klagenfurt (Germany) |
2003 - 2004 | Junior fellow | Department of Ethnology at the Slowak Akademy of Sciences Bratislava in the research project "Building on the Past. European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean" (funded by the Marie Curie Programme of the European Commission). |
2001 | Freelancer | Institute for Employment Market Research (Institut für Arbeitsmarktforschung) in Vienna (Austria) within the EU Leonardo da Vinci-Project "VORANGE Vocational Rehabilitation in Change – Necessary of New Approach and Direction, Results from Changing Societal Frameconditions." |
2000 - 2001 | Freelancer | Research project "Gender perspectives in Science Studies in Eastern Europe" at the Gender Kolleg of the University of Vienna (Austria). |
2000 | Freelancer | Evaluation of the women’s projects "Gender Studies Zentrum", "proFem" in Prague and "ASPEKT" in Bratislava on behalf of the Heinrich Böll-Stiftung Berlin |
- with Doris Harrasser, Karin Harrasser, Stephanie Kiessling, Karin Schneider and Sabine Sölkner (2011): Wissen Spielen. Untersuchungen zur Wissensaneignung von Kindern im Museum. Bielefeld: transcript.
- (2008): "Das verfluchte Wort Feminismus." Feministische Initiativen und Genderforschung in der Slowakei der 1990er Jahre. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag.
Editited Volumes
- (2014): Wöhrer, Veronika: Early Career Researchers and Changing Working
Conditions in Academia, Sondernummer der Zeitschrift Higher Education
Policy 27(4) - (2014) Keim, Wiebke; Çelik, Ercüment, Ersche, Christian, Wöhrer,
Veronika (Hg.): Global knowledge in the social sciences. Made in
circulation. Ashgate, Farnham. - (2014): Ersche, Christian / Celik, Ercüment / Keim, Wiebke / Wöhrer,
Veronika: ‚Transnational Science’, Special Issue der Zeitschrift
Transcience. A Journal for Global Studies 4 (2), abrufbar auf:
Articles in edited books
- (2014): ‚Feminismus‘ und ‚Gender‘ – zwei weitgereiste Begriffe, in: Bender, Désirée / Duscha, Annemarie / Hollstein, Tina / Huber, Lena /
Klein-Zimmer, Kathrin / Schmitt, Caroline (Hrsg.): Orte transnationaler
Wissensproduktionen. Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Schnittmengen,
Weinheim: Beltz Juventa: 44-62 - (2012): "Voneinander (Ver-)Lernen", in: Faschingeder, Gerald / Habersack, Sarah / Novy, Andreas / Grosser, Simone (Hg.): Soziale Ungleichheit und kulturelle Vielfalt in europäischen Städten. Dokumentation des transdisziplinären Symposiums am 14./15.Oktober 2010. Aktion & Reflexion. Texte zur transdisziplinären Entwicklungsforschung und dialogischen Bildung. Heft 7,
Wien: Paulo Freire Zentrum 2012: 45-46. Online available here
- (2008): "Travelling Feminism. What is the Right Passport for Feminist Knowledge?," in: H.arta / Morawek, Katharina (Eds.): Are you talking to me? Discussions on Knowledge Production, Gender Politics and Feminist Strategies. Wien: Löcker Verlag: 58-66.
- (2006): "'Doing Feminism' and other Theoretical Interventions," in: Bidwell-Steiner, Marlen / Wozonig, Karin S. (Hrsg.): A Canon of Our Own? Kanonkritik und Kanonbildung in den Gender Studies. Wien: Studienverlag (=Gendered Subjects III): 254-265.
- (2006): "'Som feministka, no a čo! (I am a feminist, so what?).' Versuche, mit einem Schimpfwort politische Arbeit zu machen," in: Saurer, Edith / Lanzinger, Margareth / Frysak, Elisabeth (Hrsg.): Women's Movements. Networks and Debates in post-communist Countries in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Wien: Böhlau (=L'Homme Schriften 13): 179-196.
- (2004): "Border Crossers. Gender discourses between 'East' and 'West,'" in: Frunză, Mihaela / Văcărescu Theodora-Eliza (eds.): Gender and the (Post) 'East’'/'West' Divide. Cluj-Napoca: Limes Publication: 61-79.
- (2004): "GrenzgängerInnen. Diskurse von GenderforscherInnen in 'West' und 'Ost'", in: Arnold, Markus / Dressel, Gert (Hrsg.): Wissenschaftskulturen – Experimentalkulturen – Gelehrtenkulturen. Wien: Turia&Kant: 86-101.
- (2003): "The Tradition of Literature within Slovak Gender Studies and Women’s Movement," in: Botíková, Marta / Herzanová, Lubica: Nove perspektivy v socialnych vedach a historicka antropologia (New Perspectives in Social Sciences and Historical Anthropology / Neue Perspektiven in den Sozialwissenschaften und der Historischen Anthropologie). Bratislava: Katedru etnológie a kultúrnej antropológie, Filozofická Fakulta: 150-163.
- with Garstenauer, Therese (2003): "Genderperspektiven in der Wissenschaftsforschung in Zentral- und Osteuropa (Tschechische Republik, Slowakische Republik, Russische Föderation)," in: Bidwell-Steiner, Marlen/ Pechriggl, Alice (Hrsg.): Brüche – Geschlecht – Gesellschaft. Genderstudies zwischen Ost und West. Wien: Verlag Österreich: 87-118.
Articles in journals
- (2014): To stay or to go. Narratives of Early Stage Sociologists about Persisting in Academia, in: Higher Education Policy 27(4): 469-487.
- (2014): Early Career Researchers and Changing Working Conditions in Academia. Introduction to the Special Issue, in: Higher Education Policy
27(4): 431-434.
- with Höcher, Bernhard (2012): "Tricks of the Trade - Negotiations and Dealings between Researchers, Teachers and Students." Forum: Qualitative Social Research 13 (1): Art. 16.
- with Harrasser, Doris (2011): "Colourful Experiments. Gendered Performances in a Children’s Museum," in: Science as Culture 20 (4): 471-490.
- et al. (2011): "A Commentary on Boike Rehbein’s Approach to Critical Theory after the Rise of the Global South and on his Concept 'Kaleidoscopic Dialectic,'" in: Transcience Journal 2 (1): 72-80.
- with Sodin, Elke und Wöhrer, Renate (2008): "Von Pilgern und Pülchern. Wallfahrten im Spannungsfeld von Naturerlebnis und urbanen Konstruktionen," in: sinnhaft 21: 141-155.
- with Wöhrer, Renate (2005): "Wenn eineR eine Reise tut...," in: Kurswechsel. Zeitschrift für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen 2: 28-38.
- (2005): "The Tradition of Literature within Slovak Women’s Organisations and Gender Studies," in: Trans. Internetzeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 14. (Full text available online.)
- (2004): "Feministický výskum a rodové štúdiá na Slovensku. Pohl’ad z Viedne (Feministische Forschung und Gender Studies in der Slowakei. Ein Blick aus Wien)," in: Feministický kultúrny časopis Aspekt 1: 192-194.
- with Wöhrer, Renate und Wulz, Monika (2002): "Von cosmopolitischen Palmen und anderen Luxusartikeln," in: sinn-haft 13: 15-22.
- (2001): "Feministische Theorien und 'rodové štúdiá' (Gender Studies) in der Slowakei," in: Osthefte 4: 543-554.
- (2012): Binder, Beate et al. (Hg.): Travelling Gender Studies.
Grenzüberschreitende Wissens- und Institutionentransfers, Münster:
Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2011, in: Feminia Politica, Jg. 21, Heft 2: 193-195. - (2012): Frauenförderung und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der Wissenschaft. Rezension von Gottfried Magerl, Reinhard Neck, Christiane Spiel (Hg.): Wissenschaft und Gender. Wien u. a.: Böhlau Verlag 2011. In: querelles-net, Vol. 13 (2),
(Full text available online) - (2011): Raynova, Yvanka: Feministische Philosophie in europäischem Kontext. Gender-Debatten zwischen "Ost" und "West". Wien u.a.: Böhlau Verlag, 2010, in: querelles-net 12 (4). (Full text available online)
- "Tricks of the Trade. Feldforschung mit SchülerInnen. Wissenschaftlicher Endbericht zur Vorlage beim Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung im Rahmen des Programms 'Sparkling Science.'" (Full text available online.)
- with Felt, Ulrike and Sigl, Lisa: "State of the Art. Austrian Report to the European Commission; Project 'Knowledge, Institutions and Gender: An East-West Comparative Study (KNOWING).'" (Full text available online.)
- „Transnationale Begegnungen“, Interview with Dr. Veronika Wöhrer in the Periodical „frauensolidarität“, 1/2012 (Nr. 119): 34-35
- with Vittorelli, Natascha (2008): "1989... ein Jahr der Wende?," in: Ganz klar: Geschichte 4 (school book). Wien: Jugend & Volk: 76-77.
- (2006): "We were not Westies giving gifts, but we did give books," in: Stichwort. Archiv der Frauen und Lesbenbewegung. Newsletter 22/2006: 7-10.
- (2006): "Gender Studies und feministische Bibliotheken in der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik," in: Stichwort. Archiv der Frauen und Lesbenbewegung. Newsletter 21/2006: 10-13.
- (2004): "'Som feministka, no a čo? (Ich bin Feministin – na und?)' Wege aus dem feministischen Ghetto," in: AUF. Eine Frauenzeitschrift 123 (April): 9-11.
- with Wöhrer, Renate and Wulz, Monika (2003): "You Play Games, I Play Tricks," in: fiber. werkstoff für feminismus und popkultur 2003 (2): 12-13.
- with Wöhrer, Renate and Wulz, Monika: "You Play Games, I Play Tricks. Das t.A.T.u-Phänomen," in: malmoe 12: 29.
- (2002): "Push-me-pull-me," in: fiber. werkstoff für feminismus und popkultur, 1 (Winter): 22-23.
- (2002): "'Das verfluchte Wort‘. Feminismusbegriffe slowakischer Wissenschafterinnen," in: an.schläge. Das feministische Magazin 3: 22-23.
- ‘Where does gender studies knowledge come from? Analysis of feminist textbooks, encyclopedias and journals.’Presentation at the ‚Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute‘ of the Journal Frontiers, 7.-11.7.2014 at the
Ohio State University
- "Challenges of Transnational Knowledge Production in Gender Studies", lecture at the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies der Rutgers University (State University of new Jersey), 25th September 2013 (invited by Prof. Abena Busia).
- “Challenges and Requirements of Transnational Knowledge Production in Gender Studies”, lecture at the Conference “Transnational Spaces and Gender” 4th-5th April 2013 at the University of Paderborn (Germany).
- „Gender Studies as a Mutli-Centered Field? Centers and Peripheries in Academic Gender Research“, lecture at the Conference „Circulating Social Science Knowledge“, 27th-29th September 2012 at the University of Freiburg (Germany).
- “The Challenges of Transnational Knowledge Production in Gender Studies”, lecture at the “8th European Feminist Research Conference. The Politics of Location Revisited”, 17th-20th May 2012 at the Central European University Budapest (Hungary). (see program here)
- „Transnational Knowledge Flows in Gender Studies. Textbooks and Readers“, lecture at the „Journée d’Etudes: Paramètres épistémologiques de la circulation des idées en sciences sociales“, 29th-30th March 2012 at the University of Freiburg (Germany).
- “Toward an Alternative Pattern of Knowledge Production”, lecture at the IIS 40th World Congress, New Delhi, 16th-19th February 2012 (with Christian Ersche).
- "Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi - Was bedeutet das
"development" für die Frauen und die Studien?", lecture within the Research Coloquium of the Institute for International Development of the University Vienna (Austria) the19th January 2012 (invited by Prof. Hanna Hacker). - "Gender Studies in Post-Socialist Countries in Europe – Some Ideas and Concepts", lecture at the Centre for Women’s Development Studies, New Delhi (India), the 12th October 2011 (invited by Prof. Mary E. John).
- “Transnationale Wissenszirkulation in den Gender Studies”, lecture at the “Interdisziplinären Kolloquium für (Post-)DoktorandInnen”, 30th June-1st July 2011 at the University Trier (Germany). (Program here)
- “Universalität und Akzeptanzpotential von Gesellschaftswissen – Zur Zirkulation von Wissensbeständen zwischen Europa und dem Globalen Süden“, lecture at the Conference “Postkoloniale Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Eine Zwischenbilanz”, 17th-18th June 2011 at the Humboldt University Berlin (with Dr. Wiebke Keim). (Program here)
Further Activities
Organisation des Panels „Conditions for work and knowledge production in the social sciences“ und Vortrag „‘A certain amount of prestidigitation is needed.’ Early Stage Sociologists in Austria“ bei der 4S/EASST-Tagung „Design and displacement – social studies of science and technology” 17.-20.10.2012 an der Copenhagen Business School.