Dr. Wiebke Keim (Project Director)
Dr. Wiebke Keim is the Project Director. She works on the subproject "Out of Europe: Sequences in knowledge circulation between European social sciences and those of the Muslim worlds".
Former contact details:
- Email: wiebke.keim(at)soziologie.uni-freiburg.de
- Telephone: +49 (0)761 203 - 97812
- Address: Hansastraße 9, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
Current contact details:
- SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe)
Université de Strasbourg
MISHA Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme - Alsace
5 allée du Général Rouvillois
CS 50008
67083 Strasbourg Cedex - Email: wiebke.keim[at]misha.fr
- http://sage.unistra.fr/membres/chercheurs-cnrs/keim-wiebke/
Short personal profile
Dr. Wiebke Keim is a sociologist whose research interests focus on the sociology of knowledge and the sociology of science, the history of sociology, and the epistemology of the social sciences.
In the framework of a co-tutelle agreement, she completed her doctorate jointly at the University of Freiburg and the University of Paris-IV/Sorbonne. Her PhD dissertation was published in 2008 by transcript under the title Pretentious Discipline. The Counter-Hegemonic Potential of African and Latin American Sociology.
Dr. Wiebke Keim worked most recently as coordinator of a project at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland in the field of qualitative social inequality research on the topic of "Household Strategies under Conditions of Precarious Prosperity in Four Countries: Chile, Costa Rica, Spain and Switzerland".
Since October 2013 Wiebke Keim worked as a CNRS-Redearcher at the research centre SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe) at the University of Strasbourg.
"Out of Europe: Sequences in knowledge circulation between European social sciences and those of the Muslim worlds." For more details on the sub-project, please click here.
2006 | Ph.D. | University of Freiburg, Germany; Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, France |
2002 | Magister Artium (Sociology, Social and Cultural Anthropology) | University of Freiburg, Germany |
2001 | Maîtrise de Sociologie | Université René Descartes - Paris V, France |
Work and Academic History
2009/2010 | Lecturer | University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
2009 | Visiting lecturer | Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain |
2007/2008 | Lecturer | Institute of Sociology of the University Freiburg |
2007-2010 | Postdoc: research and teaching assistant | Coordination of an international research project „Household strategies under conditions of precarious prosperity in four countries: Chile, Costa Rica, Spain and Switzerland” (funded by the Schweizer Nationalfonds), Department for Sociology, Social Work and Social Policy, University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
2007 | Researcher and lecturer | University of Bern, Switzerland |
2006 | Postdoc: researcher and lecturer | University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, Southafrica |
2005/2006 | Researcher and lecturer | Institute of Sociology of the University Freiburg |
2005 | Research assistant | Institute for Energy Research, Karlsruhe |
2004 | Visiting researcher in Mexico | El Colégio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana; Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas; Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara; Centro de Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social – Occidente, Guadalajara. Conduct of Interviews with scientists, students and with represantatives of the government, non-governmental organisations and church; collection of data (funded by the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft der Universität Freiburg) |
2004 | Visiting researcher in Southafrica | University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban; University of Cape Town, Kapstadt; University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Centre for Research on Science and Technology, Stellenbosch. Conduct of Interviews with scientists, students as well as with represantatives of trade unions, political parties, government and foundations (funded by the DAAD) |
Electronic versions of the publications are available on request.
Not edited manuscripts are available for free at the Open Acces Archives "HAL SHS" (https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/)
- (2014) Keim, Wiebke; Çelik, Ercüment, Ersche, Christian, Wöhrer, Veronika (Hg.): Global knowledge in the social sciences. Made in circulation. Ashgate, Farnham
- (2014) Sitas, Ari; Keim, Wiebke; Damodaran, Sumangala; Trimikliniotis, Nicos; Garba, Faisal: Gauging and engaging deviance. 1600-2000, Tulika Press, Delhi.
- (2008): Vermessene Disziplin. Zum konterhegemonialen Potential afrikanischer und lateinamerikanischer Soziologien, transcript, Bielefeld.
Articles in edited volumes
- (2013): "Émile Durkheims Programm einer wissenschaftlichen
Soziologie in Deutschland", in: Tanja Bogusz, Heike Delitz (Hg.): "Émile Durkheim.
Soziologie - Ethnologie - Philosophie", Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M.: 47-72. - mit Michèle Amacker, Monica Budowski und Robin Tillman (2010): "Conceptualizing 'Precarious Prosperity' for Comparative Research", in: Christian Suter (Hg.): Inequality Beyond Globalization. Economic Changes, Social Transformations, and the Dynamics of Inequality, Lit Verlag, Zürich: 201-223.
- (2010): "The internationalisation of social science: distortions, dominations and prospects", in: International Social Science Council (Hg.): World Social Science Report 2010, Unesco Publishing, Paris: 169-171.
- (2007): "Jenseits von Afrika – Auseinandersetzungen um den Hegemonialanspruch der 'Internationalen Soziologie'", in: Ammon, Sabine et al.: Wissen in Bewegung – Vielfalt und Hegemonie in der Wissensgesellschaft, Göttingen, Velbrück Verlag: 121-139.
Articles in journals
- (2011): “Counter hegemonic currents and internationalization of sociology. Theoretical reflections and one empirical example”, in: International Sociology 26 (1): 123-145. Abstract and full article available online.
- (2010): "Aspects problématiques des relations internationales en sciences sociales: pour un modèle centre-périphérie", in: Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances 4 (3): 570-598. Abstract and full article available online.
- (2010): "Analyse des invitations de chercheurs étrangers par l’EHESS. Compétences reconnues et clivages Nord-Sud", in: Cahiers de la Recherche sur l'Education et les Savoirs 9. 33-52.
- mit Michèle Amacker, Monica Budowski und Robin Tillman (2010): "Conceptualising 'precarious prosperity' – empirical and theoretical elements for debate", in: International Journal of Comparative Sociology 51 (4): 268-288 .
- mit Janice Desire Busingye (2009): "The political battlefield: Negotiating space for the protection of traditional knowledge in capitalism", in: International Social Science Journal 195 (Special Issue on "Global Knowledge"): 37-54.
- (2008): "Social sciences internationally – the problem of marginalisation and its consequences for the discipline of sociology", in: African Sociological Review 12 (2): 22-48.
- (2008): "Distorted universality – internationalization and its implications for the epistemological foundations of the discipline", in: Canadian Journal of Sociology 33 (3): 555-574 .
- (2007): "Shedding light on a dark chapter of the discipline: elements on the development of German sociology in the years 1933-45", in: Annual Volume in History of Sociology 8: 56-73.
- (2010): Raewyn Connell: Southern theory. The global dynamics of knowledge in social science, Polity Press, Unwin, 2007, in: Transcience Journal 1 (1): 106-108.
- (2006): Ari Sitas: Voices that reason – theoretical parables. Pretoria: University of South Africa Press 2004, in: Sociologus. Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie 2006 (2): 268-270.
Contributions to Competitions
- (2005): "Internationale Soziologie: nordatlantische Dominanz und konterhegemoniale Strömungen", Beitrag zum Wettbewerb Fourth Worldwide Competition for Junior Sociologists, ausgezeichnet durch die Internationale Soziologische Gesellschaft, Dezember.
- mit Eris J. Keim (2010): "Zur Krise der deutschen Universität", Diskussionsbeitrag zum blog "Universities in Crisis", International Sociological Association – Council of National Associations (7.7.2010). Link to the German version; Link to the English version ("On the crisis of the German university", ebd. (3.8.2010)); Link to the Italian version (La crisi dell'università tedesca, Traduzione di Petronia Carillo, in: Menodizero – Rivista dell Università in Movimento 1 (2)),
- (2010): "Perspektivenwechsel. Konterhegemonialität in den Sozialwissenschaften", in: Bildpunkt. Zeitschrift der IG BILDENDE KUNST Winter 2009/2010. Fulltext available online.
- (2007): "Committing critically engaged social science in Germany – an act of terrorism?", IOLS-Research Commentary, 27.08.2007. Fulltext available online.
- (2007): Im Autorenkollektiv Wohnraum für alle e.V.: "'Schulden machen können wir auch!' – Bürgerinitiative 'Ja zum Beteiligungsmodell', Wohnraum für alle GmbH und Aktion Sperrminorität", in: Klus, Sebastian; Günter Rausch; Anne Reyers (Hg.): Bürgerinitiative Wohnen ist Menschenrecht. Ein erfolgreicher Bürgerentscheid in Freiburg, Verlag AG SPAK, Neu-Ulm: 117-120.