Workshops, journées d'études, and other academic events
In the last few years our project has (co-)organised several workshops and thematic journées d'études specially targeting young researchers, working in similar fields as ourselves. Some special events on academic subjects were organized too. Among the events organised were the following:
JOURNÉE D'ÉTUDES, [probably on February 13th and 14th, 2014]: "Relevant factors for acceptance and rejection of travelling texts in the social sciences" [prov. title]
SCREENING of the Portuguese sociological documentary film "The Compass", 5th July 2013
- Saguenail (Serge Abramovici) and Regina Guimarães (2008): "O Compasso (The Compass)". Presentation, projection and discussion of a documentary film about a sociological revisit to a local Portuguese community (1977-2007), with João Queirós (University of Porto). Introduction by Bruno Monteiro (University of Porto). Date: Friday, July 5th, 2013, 10:00, on the project's premises, Hansastraße 9, 79104 Freiburg 79104 Freiburg.
WORKSHOP, 26th June 2013: "Decoloniality: a reflexive workshop on the epistemic, ethical and methodological implications for our research praxis"
- Collaborative workshop by two Federal Ministry of Education projects at the University of Freiburg, "Universality and Acceptance Potential of Social Science Knowledges" and "Southeast Asian Studies Freiburg". The workshop is being offered to young researchers in the humanities.
WORKSHOP, 13th Oct. 2012: "Globalized Methodology?"
- This workshop was organised together with the Federal Ministry of Education project "Southeast-Asia Studies Freiburg". It was initially meant to carry the title "Decolonising Methodologies", but was renamed because of the research subjects to be presented by the invited guests.
JOURNÉE D'ÉTUDES, 29th-30th March 2012: "Paramètres épistémologiques de la circulation"